AgroBioSciences Program (AgBS)
College of Sustainable Agriculture & Environmental Sciences (CSAES)
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
Host institution:
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution dedicated to research and innovation in Africa and aims to position itself among world-renowned universities in its fields. The University is engaged in economic and human development and puts research and innovation at the forefront of African development. A mechanism that enables it to consolidate Morocco's frontline position in these fields, in a unique partnership-based approach and boosting skills training relevant for the future of Africa. Located in the municipality of Benguerir, in the very heart of the Green City, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University aspires to leave its mark nationally, continentally, and globally.
Host program:
College of sustainable agriculture and environmental sciences, AgroBiosciences Program.
Job description:
We are seeking a highly motivated and qualified post-doctoral researcher to join our research group for an exciting project in the area of behavior, chemical ecology and sustainable pest management of major hemipteran and lepidopteran pests of some important crops in Morocco.
- Conducting research in the areas of behavioral or chemical ecology of arthropod pests under laboratory and field bioassays.
- Analyzing and exploring the role of volatile organic compounds of host plant and intercropped service plants.
- Development of sustainable semiochemical-based trapping methods for insect pests.
- Rearing insect pests and their natural enemies.
- Supervision of graduate and postgraduate research projects;
- Co and lead-authorship of project reports, patents, presentations and published papers;
Selection criteria:
The position is open for candidates holding a PhD related to crop protection (entomology), completed in the past five years. Experience in chemical ecological and electrophysiological techniques (Electroantennogram, GC-EAD, analytical technique like GC/MS, volatile collections, olfactometer assays) with a good publication record are desired.
Application documents:
- Covering letter
- A detailed CV including the list of publications;
- A synthetic description of research background, relevant research projects and activities, key publications and achievements, and future research interests;
- Contact detailed for two reference persons;
- Other documents that the candidate considers important for the recruitment process.
Selection process:
The applications will be reviewed by a scientific committee. Eligible candidates will be invited for an interview.