Title: Part Time Lecturer (Psychology)
Employee Classification: LL - Adjunct Lecturer
Pay Grade: LL 00
Division: Academic and Student Affairs
Subdivision: Psychology
Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Campus Location: Main Campus
General Summary
The Department of Psychology is soliciting applications for
clinical supervision and graduate level course instructors in
clinical psychology.
Principal Duties and Responsibilities
Teaching may include a number of particular obligations which
employees are expected to fulfill, including but not limited to:
meeting with students during and outside of assigned classes,
assessing student work and performance, preparing syllabi and
course materials, providing copies of syllabi and course materials
to their supervisor on request, and assigning and submitting grades
in accordance with established Eastern Michigan University
Perform related departmental duties as required.
Minimum Qualifications:
Must have at least a Master's degree in related field.
Special Instructions:
Please submit a letter of interest and your curriculum vita to
be considered.
Appointment Percentage: