This exciting project in mathematical and theoretical physics will investigate novel approaches to quantum systems with integrability. Normally the equations that determine physical systems, be it quantum field theory describing particle physics or string theory describing quantum gravity, are too hard to solve exactly. However, there are very special systems that have deep hidden symmetries that allow one to exactly solve these equations instead of using e.g. perturbation theory. The study of these integrable systems is a critical area in the intersection of mathematical and theoretical physics and string theory.
The group at Swansea led by Hollowood and Thompson have been pivotal in the recent discoveries of a landscape of integrable models known as Integrable Deformations. Very recently a new outlook on this topic has been provided by the six-dimensional holomorphic Chern Simons theory which has been conjectured to provide an origin for all such integrable deformations. The goal of this project is develop a detailed quantum understanding of this approach and to apply it in a range of contexts in including to resugrence, holography and string theory.
Funding Details
Funding Comment
This scholarship covers the full cost of UK tuition fees and an annual stipend at UKRI rate (£19,237 for 2024/25).
Additional research expenses of up to £1,000 will also be available.